Social Value

Social Value Approach

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Issured is an innovative and forward leaning organisation with social value at the heart of our day-to-day business operations. We work with our supply chain and partners to deliver real, sustainable change in both the community and commercially, by aligning their social strategy to our commercial strategy.

We believe our social value model (figure below) underpins our approach to achieving business growth and giving our staff the opportunity to be part of something powerful, helping boost their own confidence, morale, and sense of worth.

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Our CSR Themes

Education | CSR | Issured

Education and enabling
people to better themselves

Inclusion and Equality | CSR | Issured

Inclusion and Equality

Supporting vulnerable | CSR | Issured

Supporting the vulnerable in the
workplace or wider community

Our aims

We aim to build CSR partnerships where value can be added through sharing our core expertise,
building long term relationships and providing opportunities for our staff to contribute and give back.

National Museum | CSR | Issured

The National Museum of Computing

This independent charity is home to the world’s largest collection of functional historic computers, including the Turing-Welchman Bombe that enabled Britain to decode German messages encrypted by Enigma.

As the museum receives no government or heritage lottery funding, we’re proud to support their mission to “Conserve, Educate, and Engage” and enable them to continue to fund their highly successful learning programmes for schools, colleges, and universities which introduce young people to coding and STEM skills, inspiring the next generation of computer scientists and engineers.

Cafe track | CSR | Issured

Cafe Track

Based in Northamptonshire, Café Track is creating employment opportunities for those who face barriers. It is a social enterprise that provides work opportunities for autistic people. According to the National Autistic Society, only 16% of people with autism are in full-time employment, not through lack of skills or willingness to work, but because many organisations still lack understanding of autism.

We support Café Track in order to provide these highly talented individuals with greater access to employment, so that they can contribute to society the way they deserve.

Cambridge Cancer Help Centre | CSR | Issured

Cambridge Cancer Help Centre (CCHC)

The CCHC is a dedicated help centre that offers invaluable support for those diagnosed with cancer, plus their families, friends, and carers. Their work helps those suffering by providing a listening ear and a friendly place to meet others who’ve been diagnosed for mutual support.

After being nominated by an Issured staff member who has previous experience with the organisation, we’re now raising money and looking to establish a long-term relationship that will support and promote their work.

Inside Justice

Inside Justice is a charity with a vision for a fair and transparent criminal justice system for all. We’re proud advocates of their mission to investigate miscarriages of justice and strengthen the system with their panel of world-renowned experts.

By working closely with statutory and voluntary partners across the criminal justice system, they empower individuals convicted of a crime they say they did not commit.

keech logo

Keech Hospice Care

Keech Hospice Care, located in Luton, Bedfordshire, provide free, specialist care for adults in Luton and Bedfordshire, and children from Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Milton Keynes living with a life limiting illness. The care provided supports adults and children to live pain and symptom free, to spend untroubled time with their family and friends, to understand what’s happening to them, to stay out of hospital and to make the most of the time they have.

In January 2023, Issured demonstrated their commitment to supporting Keech Cottage Hospice by organising a successful fundraiser auction, which garnered an impressive sum of over £7430. Additionally, members of the CSR team engaged directly with the hospice by visiting its premises, gaining valuable insights into its daily operations and the crucial role it plays in providing care to individuals with life-limiting illnesses.

CHUMS Charity

CHUMS Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service for children and young people provides therapeutic support in a variety of ways.  CHUMS has developed a unique service delivery model to ensure that children and young people are able to access a service that supports their individual needs.

Since 2023 Issured has supported CHUMS via a mixture of activities. From donations that aid the continuation of essential services to young people in the East of England, to proudly sponsoring the Shine Bright Wear Bright 2024 event. The Shine Bright Wear Bright event aims to raise awareness and guide those struggling towards help. The Social Values team looks forward to continuing our partnership to improve the lives of young people in our community.

The Bus Shelter MK

The Bus Shelter MK provide shelter, food and support for people who would otherwise be sleeping on the streets. The charity assists their guests to recover from the trauma of street homelessness, rebuild their lives and find an affordable home.

To support the Bus Shelter and as part of our commitment to improving health and wellbeing, Issured have introduced a Food Drive which allows employees to contribute food or toiletries to be delivered to the charity. As a local charity, we hope to support their amazing work and aid in their growth and development.

The Alice Ruggles Trust

The Alice Ruggles Trust is a registered charity that educates young people under 25 about stalking.  It is their mission to foster generations of young people who understand stalking, the potential risks of stalking, and what they can do about it. It is their vision to prevent what happened to Alice happening to others. To bring stalking to an end.

We are at the start of our relationship with the Alice Ruggles Trust, having provided initial support in November 2023, and plan to continue supporting this charity through donations and sponsorship opportunities.

Armed Forces Covenant

In February 2023 we signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant. The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, should be treated fairly and should not face disadvantages when seeking to access public or private goods and services in the UK.

In order to create opportunities, in July 2023 we decided to go a step further and apply for the Bronze award from the ERS (Employee Recognition Scheme), which is a pledge to support the armed forces, including existing or prospective employees who are members of the community. Part of this pledge includes promoting being armed forces-friendly, being open to employing reservists, armed forces veterans (including the wounded, injured and sick), cadet instructors and military spouses/partners.

armed forces covenant signing
Testimonials | Digital Transformation Specialists | Issured Ltd

At Inside Justice, our mission is to empower individuals convicted of a crime they say they did not commit by working closely with statutory and voluntary partners across the criminal justice system.

Mea: Connexus provides us with the capability to securely contact the family and supporters of applicants and to record and create an audit trail of their issues, concerns, our agreed next steps and actions. It provides us with an immutable audit trail of case conference calls which can be referred to if issues, complaints, or challenges to the content of those calls arise.

Importantly, it’s extremely easy for participants to connect from any platform and has provided us with great savings in time and resources, helping us to provide a quick and efficient service. The quality of video and audio provided by the platform has meant that formal interviews and meetings can reliably be made remotely, safe in the knowledge that the content can always be trusted.”

Jill Battley, Chair of Trustees for Inside Justice