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  • Published On: January 22, 2024|
    10 Reasons Why Employers Should Prioritise Development

    In today's business landscape, employers are constantly seeking ways to gain a competitive edge to recruit new talent, grow the business, and retain vital employees. One of the most effective [...]

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  • Published On: September 19, 2023|
    Rapid Video Response

    As the digital age is well and truly underway, we have entered a time of transition where selected roles and tasks are being performed online, but this tectonic shift can [...]

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  • Published On: August 22, 2023|
    Bridging language barriers in law enforcement

    Often referred to as the ‘the melting pot’, the United States is a country that hosts an array of diverse cultures and backgrounds, and with that comes many languages. In [...]

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  • Published On: August 7, 2023|
    Which CMI award is for me

    It can be quite overwhelming seeing the vast array of CMI Level 5 leadership and management awards, so the Issured Track team have put together this useful guide on all [...]

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  • Published On: July 10, 2023|
    Barack Obama on Deepfakes

    Barack Obama is one of the most photographed humans alive on Earth, and although this level of publicity is to be expected when governing the United States, this has left [...]

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  • Published On: June 21, 2023|
    digital evidence disputes in court

    With the introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022 and the rapid progression in machine learning and AI technology, it’s no wonder that deepfakes have found their way into our day-to-day [...]

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  • Published On: June 6, 2023|
    Improving Wellbeing in Law Enforcement

    There is no effect without a cause, and it’s been expected for some time that with budget cuts and staff shortages in US law enforcement, prices will be paid for [...]

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  • Published On: May 2, 2023|
    The Impact of Remote Insurance Investigations on the Environment

    If the past three years have taught us anything, it’s that when push comes to shove remote working is a viable alternative to an in-person workplace. The pandemic was of [...]

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  • Published On: April 17, 2023|

    Following on from our latest article where we dove into the police shortage crisis in the USA, a recent news report by the San Francisco Chronicle details an additional $25 [...]

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